Rich Bitch Oil


Rich Bitch Oil 2oz

✨ Attracting Abundance
✨ Attracting Money
✨ Career Success
✨ Generosity

This is used for attracting abundance more rapidly. Abundance can come in multiple forms such as money, gifts, small gestures, and time. This can be used for daily usage or just when you want that extra boost.

Star Anise Seed: Represents protection and purification. Skin moisturizer, hydration, and removes harmful toxins.

Basil: Is used to draw money or success, for purification and protection, and to remove unwanted obstacles.

Bay Leaf: Represents protection, prophecy, and purification.

Nutmeg: Is used for attracting money, financial luck, and career success in your life.

Cinnamon: Used for hurting up manifestations such as luck, money, and wealth.

Olive Oil: Used for healing and bringing everything together as one.

Almond oil: Helps with attracting love, wealth, and generosity.

How to apply:

1.) Open top and squeeze 3-5 dots of oil on your wrist.

2.) Rub both wrists together and dab the rest behind your ears.

3.) Enjoy.